Published: Tue, Mar 19, 2019 10:07 AM
Updated: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 2:59 PM

How Beneficial Is It To Use A Matrimony Website For Marriage Purposes, Specially For A Girl?

How Beneficial Is It To Use A Matrimony Website For Marriage Purposes, Specially For A Girl?

How Beneficial Is It To Use A Matrimony Website For Marriage Purposes, Specially For A Girl?

There are advantages and disadvantages of matrimonial websites. One of the biggest advantages is that it connects people that don't live in the same geographical region and don't have any family/friend/job connections to each other. That significantly broadens the availability of compatible partners. Another advantage is that they enable one to search for what they want exactly, e.g. age, height, profession.
But the biggest disadvantage from my personal experience is that you have no good way to tell how truthfully the other person has disclosed information about themselves. You have to be very careful before you commit to anyone you found online.
Going online always comes with risks of security and privacy. It is somewhat of a gamble. You'd release information about yourself at the risk of it being misused, but the benefit is that it will enable thousands of genuine members to pick you out of a list and contact you.
If you're concerned about trust, hold back on contact information like phone number & address, and use only email. Once you're comfortable with the genuineness of someone who has contacted you or who you have contacted, release phone/address over email. That way, any fake people will have only your email and nothing more.
In the end, I would definitely recommend using matrimonial websites - but do some extra verification before you commit to anyone.
Based on my experiences I have created an online matrimonial service that makes it easier to find trustworthy people using a unique question/answer system that takes away the motivation to lie. Check it out if you'd like https://www.taslimamarriagemedia.com
If you want to just browse for now, check out http://joditimes.com . We have close to 100,000 ads at the time of this writing.

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Categories: Online Matchmaker,
Tags: Bangla Matrimonial
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