Published: Fri, Nov 1, 2019 8:36 PM
Updated: Thu, Oct 24, 2024 2:07 AM

5 Reasons Why Premarital Counseling Is Significant?

5 Reasons Why Premarital Counseling Is Significant?

What Is Premarital Counseling?

Premarital counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage and the challenges, benefits, rules, and everything that comes with it. The counseling helps to ensure that you and your soulmate have a strong, non-toxic, and healthy relationship which gives you a better chance for a satisfying and stable marriage. It can also help you and your partner identify your weaknesses that could become problems during marriage and also tries to proffer a solution.

Most couples think they should start premarital counseling one or two weeks to their marriage. But, this sort of mentality should be changed. Premarital counseling should be started as early as possible. You should start going for counseling sessions as soon as you are sure of your stand in the relationship. You should also remember that premarital counseling is not for couples who are planning to get married in a month or two; it is also for couples who are into a new relationship.

Premarital counseling gives the couples in the new relationship a chance of identifying their weaknesses that could become problems in a relationship and it also ensures partners have a strong, non-toxic, and healthy relationship which gives them a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage.

Starting a premarital therapy session with a certified therapist or marriage counselor gives you an edge over those starting a few weeks to their marriage. Some of the advantages of starting premarriage counseling early in a relationship over starting late are:

1. It Enhances Communication Between Couples

It is very well known that there is no relationship without communication. And as it is known, one of the most important aspects of any marriage is effective communication with your partner. Early premarital counseling therapy sessions help you learn how to be a very good listener and also how to talk to your partner; therefore you know how to talk to your partner and what the other person wants and needs.

When you stay with someone day in and day out, it is very easy to take each other for granted, but by keeping an open line of communication and expressing love to one another builds a relationship that can withstand storms and test of time. This can only be enhanced if you start premarital counseling early.

2. It Helps in Planning for the Future

Premarital therapists do more than just helping couples talk through their current issues. They also help couples plan for the future. A therapist can help partners set financial, physical or family planning goals, and can proffer them a reliable way to accomplish those goals. Therefore, starting premarital counseling early in a relationship goes a very long way in planning for the future of the partners.

3. Better Absorption of the Counselor’s Wisdom

Sharing issues with someone who has been married for a while is another big benefit of seeking premarital counseling early. When you talk to a marriage counselor, you get a firsthand or primary voice of wisdom on the subject of marriage. It will be great if the marriage counselor should share their experiences and the sacrifices they’ve made to keep the marriage healthy.

As it is known that the more time you spend on something, the more knowledge you gain on it. The more time you go for premarital counseling sessions, the more experience and wisdom you gain from the therapist. This can be done by starting premarital counseling as early as possible once you are in a relationship.

4. It Helps Partners to Discover New Things about Themselves

As it is being said – you cannot know all about your partner. Many people think they know everything about their partner meanwhile, there is a lot that their partner does not feel comfortable and relaxed to tell them.

Early premarital counseling sessions give you the opportunity and freedom to discuss things that do not come up in normal conversations between you and your partner, like his or her dark secrets, hurtful past experiences, sex, and expectations. Marriage therapists and counselors ask a lot of questions when they are working with couples that are considering long term commitment such as marriage.

5. It Serves As An Intervention to Help Relationships

It’s important to not let getting married the primary goal of going for premarital counseling, but the main goal should be, to build a loving, lasting, healthy, strong marriage. Therefore, early premarital counseling is mandatory, and I consider it as early intervention to help you improve your relationship, teaches you how to manage conflict & arguments effectively & positively and last but not the least help you set realistic goals and expectations,

It also allows you to discuss and express your values and beliefs about important matters in a relationship, such as family, finances, children, parenting, and you and your partner think, believe and value about being married and what it takes to make a marriage strong, healthy, and last.

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Categories: Life Style,
Tags: premarital counseling, matrimony, matrimonial, marriage counselor, matrimonial service, marriage therapist
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